Corporate Social Responsibility

Although Projekta is still a small start-up, we recognise the importance of corporate social responsibility and take the matter genuinely close to heart.  We split our efforts towards corporate social responsibility in three categories:

Environmental Efforts: one of our primary focuses is towards the environment and in every decision we make, we consider the carbon footprint it might have. We start with small things such as recycling and reducing waste in the office, using green technology and green modes of transport as much as possible.  Periodically we participate in voluntary cleaning of litter from public beaches and other natural environments.  We are also keen in promoting and participating in projects which do not have large carbon footprints and drive towards greener, more sustainable ways of carrying out such projects.

Philanthropy: the saying goes: charity begins at home, and we have a couple of local organisations that we help on an ongoing basis.

  • One of them is Puttinu Cares, the children’s cancer support group that offers help when families need to go abroad to pursue any kind of further treatment. Although Puttinu Cares started to help young children with cancer, their support has now extended to include adult patients as well. We encourage you to join us by donating to this just cause. 
  • Heal and Teach Foundation is a charitable organisation registered in Malta which works in Ethiopia, Kenya, Burundi, Uganda and Ghana, striving to improve the future of poor children who need surgery, medical treatment and education. The children, due to living in very remote areas are very far from hospitals and it is difficult for them to get much needed, surgery and treatment. We encourage you to donate.

Volunteering: The Malta Society for Care and Protection of Animals (MSPCA) was established in Malta in 1900 with the aim to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals, through rehoming, education, advocacy and other activities. Apart from supporting MSPCA through donations, Projekta staff are also encouraged to volunteer their time with the society.